Installing ISPConfig 3.2.9 Beta 1 on Ubuntu 22.04

In this post, I will show you how to install ISPConfig 3.2.9 beta 1 on Ubuntu 22.04 using a pre-release version of the ISPConfig auto installer. We will use the ISPConfig development branch for the installation. It contains the code of the beta 1 release plus patches until ISPConfig 3.2.9 final gets released.


  • A clean Ubuntu 22.04 server.
  • The System must be an x86_64 CPU architecture, ARM Systems are not supported by the auto-installer yet.

ISPConfig Installation

The first step in the installation is to install the git and cron packages and then download the pre-release version of the ISPConfig auto installer using git.

apt update
apt install git cron -y

Now we check out the ISPConfig auto installer using git and switch to the branch that contains the Ubuntu 22.04 code:

cd /tmp
git clone
cd ispconfig-autoinstaller
git checkout ubuntu-22

Finally, we run the ISPConfig auto-installer. It is important to use the dev channel. Use other auto-installer options as normal.

./ --use-ftp-ports=40110-40210 --unattended-upgrades --channel=dev

Please see the ISPConfig auto installer guide for a more detailed list of command-line options.

If you find issues in the development version, please report them to our issue tracker or the following ISPConfig developer forum thread. Please check if an issue has been reported yet before you post it to avoid duplicate issue reports.